In the preparation of high purity reagents, there is only one significant and practical choice for the method of purification:sub-boiling distillation
US EPA SW-846, Chapter 3, Update IVB.
Why sub-boiling technology?
With subCLEAN system, the acid is automatically loaded into the distillation container, where it is gently heated below its boiling temperature. All process is microprocessor controlled by using a compact control terminal with easy-to-read, bright, full-color, touch-screen display.
The subCLEAN does not require cooling water or a chiller, as acid vapors rapidly condense into a collection bottle by forced air cooling.
Do you know how to reduce the sample prep blank?
Read our book! It explains how a laboratory can reach full control of analytical blanks and sample preparation for obtaining accurate results. The application of instruments and strategies to control sample prep blank is often called a “Clean Chemistry” technique. This book discusses the factors impacting blank quality, in particular when microwave digestion is used, and reviews some Clean Chemistry products and technologies designed to help the analyst generate superior analytical data on their ICP-OES or ICP-MS instrumentation.