The analyst must ‘think blank’. He must be aware of every step of the analytical procedure as to the effect on the blank. He must ask himself “If I do this, what is the effect on the blank?
– T. Murphy, The role of analytical blank in accurate trace analysisPurity of the reagents
Cleanliness of the material in contact with the sample
Sample preparation method
duoPUR and subPUR
90% cost saving
Of ultra-pure acids by purifying low-cost reagent grade acids.
High productivity
Up to 400 mL per hour (duoPUR) and up to 60 mL per hour (subCLEAN).
On-demand acid purification
For no sample contamination.
Re-purification of contaminated acids
Fast and safe heating of acids.
Quartz sub-boiling distillation system
PTFE sub-boiling distillation system
Suitable for the purification of HF
As well as for HNO3 and HCl.
Ultra-pure acids
Best acid quality is obtained.
Automatic acid loading.
No need for cooling water or chiller
Acid vapors rapidly condense into a collection bottle by forced air cooling.
Easy to use
Fast, convenient and fully automated.
Best cleaning quality
Of your TFM, glass and quartz parts.
Perfect accessory for your microwave digestion system.
Maximum operator's safety
No operator’s exposure to acid vapors.
Time saver
Avoid soaking items in hot acids for several hours.
Acid steam cleaning system for PTFE, quartz and glassware
Scaled up SRC technology for ultimate throughput
Ultratrace inserts
Advantages include:
Less acid volume
Higher sample amount
Lower dilution factor
Better detection limit
Lower analytical blank
Do you know how to reduce the sample prep blank?
Read our latest “THINK BLANK” book.
Clean Chemistry Tools for Atomic Spectroscopy